-Team Teaching
I got up early this morning and worked out for a bit. Tuesdays are pretty relaxed days because I don’t need to come in until after 12:00. I ended up putting off grading until the morning so I spent about 2 hours marking papers. I had some good music going to pass the time. It felt good to get the task finished. It will really help David. This week he is just having his students copy his notes during class time, so there isn’t really any teaching going on. At the school, we sat under the mango tree grading and entering grades into the book. David took a picture of me grading because he thought it looked cool. He is a good guy.
I walked home and Geoffrey met me on the way. He has been trying to make it a point to see me every day. Bryn and Elena asked me to send a video, so we created a small message to send. I went to Café Larem to send the message and Geoffrey went his way. I had a pretty chill evening relaxing and looking at pictures that people have collected on the trip. It is going to be a transition going from seeing these friends every day. I think I’ve got it better than some because I have Lisa and the girls waiting for me. In some ways this trip has been almost like a summer camp for adults. Some of those same feelings I remember having as a kid are coming back to me. The difference is that life is going to kick in as soon as I get back, so I’ve got to be prepared. However, I do have a little time to adjust.